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How to… Take the wrong role

and make everything your issue.

I am in my home town for a change, technically responsible for a large multi-national going for a full LAN estate upgrade from hubs and occasional switches to modern switching. On the way we are re-cabling nearly every site and due to the joys of Power over Ethernet, there is also a significant amount of power supply work required to feed the bigger switches with enough power.

I was operating within a company that was principal contractor, this didn’t mean masses to me at the outset of this role but I was quickly learning the joys of health and safety forms. For those also unfamiliar, if you are principal contractor on a job it is your fault. A gross over-simplification but in essence that’s a starting point. If someone trips, that’s your fault, someone dies, that is also your fault.

So you can see what’s about to happen in this story, yes of course there was an accident. Electrician electrocutes himself and falls through a ceiling. Ambulance takes him to hospital and yes, he was fine (after a period of recovery) but of course, that was all the fault of the company for which I work.

The amount of investigation, paperwork, resource and time that then got taken up dealing with this was quite something. The oddest part of all of this was that the company I was working for was not a builder and had no prior knowledge of construction yet felt the need to be principal contractor. What on earth happened?

Learning point for everyone:

One of the problems in life is egos. People have them and placing them to the side to do business is often something that doesn’t happen. In this scenario two things seemed to be at the root of the issue, one being the ego of the sales and bid teams not wanting to be subservient to another organisation, the other being cost. In review, someone else was going to be principal contractor but the costs shot up and became somewhat unattractive to the client.

In retrospect, we can see why this was the case. Cutting corners by saying you will do something that you don’t typically do is a risky thing. Sometimes it’s a great thing to expand into new business areas, other times it’s an ill-conceived idea.

Something such as principal contractor is quite onerous for large scale works, there is risk in small works but in large that risk multiplies considerably. If I tell you now that we were undertaking works across 100s of sites, it is a fairly simple conclusion to draw that the likelihood of an issue was high.

Sometimes to achieve quality results, the specialist elements need to be passed to other parties. We need to be grown up when this happens and not land grab for the sake of it. As the IT world evolves and companies hone in on their core offerings and discard some of the offshoots they have gathered over years, the collaborative and alliance models will likely become more pervasive in order to achieve the greater result. Companies that fail to embrace this will lose market share and ultimately hurt themselves.

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