site maker

About us

Our core value is trust. Nothing less.


The trust equation is a little known thing.
Yet it embodies the core of what is needed for valuable long term relationships in life, or in business. 
We believe wholeheartedly in this principle, living this in our own lives and in the way in which we conduct ourselves in business. 
We will work on gaining your trust by placing you at the very centre of everything we do.

Profile picture

We were founded in April 2019 by Paul Waldren following his 22 year tenure in BT, working from grass roots through to a key member of the externally engaging CIO team. 

"I believe IT can be better. Better quality, faster, with more fun."

We immediately set to work helping a major delivery for DWP on behalf of Methods, switching the delivery team up from 3 to 17, Delivering in budget and ahead of expectation, we set the tone of our capability. 

We operate based from Sheffield, in the heart of the UK.

This enables us to be within reasonable distance to our key clients and enjoy the best England has to offer in terms of city parkland, the Peak District and importantly, technical talent. 

Pulling in from Leeds, Manchester and beyond, our trusted partner organisations and individuals help us offer a true breadth of services from business consultancy to large scale delivery of programmes or real world things! We can deliver bus stop signage or IT infrastructural change - our breadth of knowledge and capability is one of our true differentiators. 

To offer that with trust and integrity, we think, offers a unique proposition in this space.

Our ambition

We have a plan. It has been de-railed already but that's the reality of any normal plan. Plan, re-plan, adjust and change. That's how you get to the end result.

We aim to be the best in market by working with only the best people and helping them on their own self-improvement journeys, sharing all of our learning with our clients.

We also aim to have fun. Work and life needs a balance that works for everyone. We need to deliver exceeding expectations but to be able to look after our family, to relax and enjoy life too.

Our people and partners

We employ directly and also use trusted third parties to assist. We do not employ or work with anyone that has not been through our own assesment of suitability. We do not employ through agencies. 

Our partners and suppliers are typically within 50 miles of our base in Sheffield, that ensures that we can all easily escalate any issues within any other provider. We don't intend to need to but life in IT is not always plain sailing, when the storms hit we know we need everyone on deck pulling in the same direction.

Our extended speicalities

We have very specialist knowledge in the areas of telecommunications, service providers, local and central government agencies, the water industry and it's regulation, smart cities, IoT and Industrial IoT/Industry 4.0.

Yet we don't restirct to those fields. We have extensive experience in multinational pharmacutical, aerospace, food and drink manufacture, banking and legal. That's just the starting points.

Our toolbox has adapters to fit most worlds and is part of what allows us to bring extra value to our clients.

We are not just IT project people, we bring far more value. 

Our website is wrong

That's possible. We are but human.

Before getting in touch, please bear in mind...

We don't use cookies, therefore we don't warn that we are going to.        
We don't use SSL/HTTPS because we don't need to. 
We didn't spell check the site or check it adheres to standards, we are in MVP territory.
We don't target or need SEO. We believe our capability is sold by it's own delivery.
We don't store any of your details for any prolonged period therefore we don't have a complex GDPR problem to handle.

There are learning points here for us all. In essence only do what needs doing. Just do that one thing well. Remove complexity, simplify! There is a story about that! 

We believe in failure!

We believe that if you haven't failed in IT, you haven't really delivered. Our people have failed multiple times in catastrophic ways. But from that they learn. They share that learning. And they don't repeat.

That means you have safe hands that prevent disasters rather than ones that walk blindly into failure. We believe that has true value, hence we talk about our failures. We share them. We let others learn.

From every plane crash there is a clear investigation and a plan in place to prevent that failure. We aim to help IT operations and delivery to build those plans and share those plans openly. They should be iterated upon and refined to ensure great business continuity for you and others. 

We will celebrate our failures as a new learning opportunity each time, and we would love to hear about yours!

Registered address

10 Roxton Road
S8 0BD

Business details

Registered company no. 11869849 
VAT number 317720513