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How to… Accidently shutdown a service

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In a continuation of the grand tour story, I am now Japan bound, heading into Tokyo to put a CD in a system and type in a command (I have really nailed the process by this point and scripted the while thing to self-operate).

Having never been to Japan before I did what any reasonable person would do and allocate themselves some time to have a look around (albeit at some excessive speed) before hopping back on a plane to head to Sydney. All in fact went brilliantly, right up until I got to Sydney. That is where the planning of the project had let itself down a little.

I have a cunning plan at this point, get in, get the job done immediately after landing and then have 2 days clear in Sydney before heading back to the UK. That, as you can guess did not happen.

I arrive at the site and march into reception to be faced with a somewhat confused security guard who will not let me in. After some discussion we get to the understanding that today (Friday) is a national holiday and the building is closed to all. Hmm. This man is not shifting, I am tired and somewhat time-confused, no-one in the UK is up to help at all, so it’s executive decision time – go to hotel.

On arriving at the hotel the receptionist goes into apology mode saying that they have been trying to contact me for some time as they don’t have double rooms. Argh, this is a bugbear of mine, I cannot stand single beds! Before I start complaining he moves on to say that he has had to upgrade me to a corner suite, if that’s ok? I think I’ll live. After a bit more conversation he affirms the holiday situation and in fact expands to tell me that the holiday also extends to Monday – this now means that I am stuck in Sydney in a corner suite overlooking Darling Harbour with nothing workwise to do until Tuesday. Except of course, get in touch with the project managers and get hotel extended and flights moved.

After a good shower I sit with a cold beer in a dressing gown on my balcony enjoying the heat and the views over the harbour, thanking the Y2k gods whilst winding the wife up on the phone. This is truly brilliant project planning as far as I am concerned.

By the time Tuesday rolls around I am thoroughly acclimatised, rested, beached out and ready for action. Of course all goes mostly to plan (although I had to close my eyes to the approaches taken to power distribution in the comms room) and on Thursday afternoon it’s back on the plane to go home.

Learning point for everyone:

Throughout my career I have repeatedly seen people fail to plan realistically. The lack of appreciation for localised working practices is often the case, as is the lack of general appreciation for human behaviours and realities. Working in France is a great example, don’t go and work beyond the permitted working day or you will be liable to fines. Doing what would appear right and normal in the UK can lead to prosecution.

It is commonly the failure to account for resources taking holidays, a lack of appreciation for school holidays and the impact this has on productivity, or even the absolutely daft approach of assuming 100% resource availability across Christmas. These failures to understand true resource availability and a lack of contingency built into plans frequently leads to the perceived failure of projects and programmes when with more consideration at the planning phase, success could be rightfully claimed.

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